Yes. Daycares are still open, but only for children of parents working in essential sectors. Daycare centers that remain open should employ heightened cleaning and distancing requirements. Babysitters may also come to the house to care for minors of parents working in essential sectors.
If you want to contribute and help your community in the wake of the COVID-19 virus, you can offer temporary child care for working families. You can publish your service on our website and we will help you to find families in need of childcare.
Check COVID-19 policies and regulations:
- Sample policy for COVID-19 pandemic in child care programs (English and Spanish) here
- California Child Care Licensing Provider Information Notice (PIN) about statewide waivers and COVID-19 prevention, containment, and mitigation measures here
- All CCLD coronavirus-related PINs here
- CDE Management Bulletin 10-09 reminds state-funded Child Care and Development Programs they are protected against loss of funds due to circumstances beyond their control here
If a parent or an adult in close contact with the child enrolled in child care has been exposed to COVID-19, should their child stay home from care?
Work with the local health department for next steps. Follow your usual policy for child illness. Make sure parents are keeping sick children home.